Welcome to Prelims Probability & Statistics!
This document details my teaching arrangements for first-year PPE prelims probability and statistics at Oxford for the 2024-2025 academic year. This year I’m tutoring two groups of students: one from LMH and another from St Anne’s. I’ll teach using a combination of classes (everyone) and tutorials (two groups) split across Michaelmas and Hilary terms. See the syllabus for details on the schedule and locations of classes and tutorials. Each class will begin with a quiz, but there is no work to submit in advance. I expect you to attend all classes and to arrive on time. If you are unwell and unable to attend, please let me know by email.
Read This First
Before reading further, log onto canvas and read the Overview and Instructions for prelims probability and statistics to you understand how the course is structured.
You will have two 90-minute collections (mock exams) for prelims probability and statistics: one at the beginning of HT covering probability, and another at the beginning of TT covering all of the course material. I will provide further details in class and post information on this website later in the year.
Each class will begin with a short, closed-book, closed-notes quiz that I will mark and return to you at the next class. In-class quizzes will always include a random sample from the review questions assigned for that class. Because you are given these questions in advance, you should be able to answer them correctly on the quiz. If you cannot, this means that you have not come to class adequately prepared. Quizzes may also include additional questions based on the material covered in past classes. These questions will be harder and you will not be given them in advance. They are designed to help you practice for collections and the real exam.
Before Each Class
- Watch the lecture videos listed on the syllabus.
- Take notes
- Note down key definitions and formulas.
- Make flashcards and memorize them using Anki.
- Solve the assigned review questions.
- Repeat as needed:
- If you have trouble with the review questions, this means that you need to go back to the lecture videos and slides before attempting them again.
- Working with friends is highly recommended!
- Make a note of anything that you find confusing and bring it with you to class.
After Each Class
Complete the problem set. Then watch the associated Demonstration Lecture for solutions and explanations. Your problem set questions are neither collected nor marked, but they will serve as inspiration for future quiz and collections problems.
Revision Tutorials
I will hold two revision tutorials in TT. These will be a mix of review and practice problems. I will provide more details later in the year.