Exercise - The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development
This question is based on Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001) (AJR). To answer it you will need to consult the paper. You will also need a copy of the dataset ajr.dta
, which is available from my website at https://ditraglia.com/data/ajr.dta
. Notice that ajr.dta
is a STATA file so you’ll need to use an appropriate R package to open it. Here is a description of the variables from ajr.dta
that you’ll need below:
Name | Description |
longname |
Full name of country, e.g. Canada |
shortnam |
Abbreviated country name, e.g. CAN |
logmort0 |
Natural log of early European settler mortality |
risk |
Avg. protection against expropriation risk 1985-1995 (0 to 10) |
loggdp |
Natural log of 1995 GDP/capita at purchasing power parity |
latitude |
Absolute value of latitude (scaled between 0 and 1) |
meantemp |
1987 mean annual temperature in degrees Celsius |
rainmin |
Minimum monthly rainfall |
malaria |
% of Popn. living where falciparum malaria is endemic in 1994 |
The most important variables are loggdp
, which is the outcome variable (\(Y\)), risk
which is the regressor of interest (\(X\)), and logmort0
, which AJR propose as an instrumental variable (\(Z\)) for risk
. Both loggdp
and logmort0
are fairly self-explanatory, but risk
is a bit strange. The larger the value of risk
, the more protection a country has against expropriation. In other words, large values of risk
indicate better institutions, as described in the first paragraph of AJR.
For simplicity we will not consider the possibility of heterogeneous treatment effects in this problem. Moreover, because the original AJR paper does not report robust standard errors, feel free to use “plain vanilla” standard errors throughout. (The sample size is small enough that the robust standard errors would be very noisy in any case!)
- Read the abstract, introduction and conclusion of AJR and answer the following:
- What is the key question that AJR try to answer?
- Give an overview of AJR’s key theory.
- For \(Z\) to be a valid instrument, it must satisfy two assumptions: relevance and exogeneity. Explain what these assumptions mean in the context of AJR. Can either of them be checked using the available data?
- OLS Regression:
- Regress
and store the result in an object calledols
. - Display the results of part (a) in a cleanly formatted regression table, using appropriate R packages.
- Discuss your results from (b) in light of your readings from AJR. Can we interpret the results of
causally? Why or why not?
- Regress
- IV Regression:
- Estimate the first-stage regression of
and store your results in an object calledfirst_stage
. Display and discuss your findings. - Estimate the reduced-form regression of
and store your results in an object calledreduced_form
. Display and discuss your findings. - Use the
function fromAER
to carry out an IV regression ofloggdp
as an instrument forrisk
and store your results in an object callediv
. - Display your results from
. How do they compare to the results ofols
? Discuss in light of your answer to 2(c) above. - Verify that you get the same estimate as in part (d) by running IV “by hand” using
- Estimate the first-stage regression of
- This question asks you consider a potential criticism of AJR. The critique depends on two claims. Claim #1: a country’s current disease environment, e.g. the prevalence of malaria, is an important determinant of GDP/capita. Claim #2: a country’s disease environment today depends on its disease environment in the past, which in turn affected early European settler mortality.
- Explain how claims #1 and #2 taken together would call into question the IV results from Question 3 above.
- Suppose that we consider re-running our IV analysis from Question 3 including
as an additional regressor. Explain why this might address the concerns you raised in the preceding part. - Repeat Question 2 including
as an additional regressor. - Repeat Question 3 part (a) adding
to the first-stage regression. - Repeat Question 3 parts (c) and (d) including
in the IV regression. Treatmalaria
as exogenous. This means we will not need an instrument for this variable: instead it serves as its own instrument. See “Details” in the help file forivreg
to see how to specify this. - In light of your results from this question, what do you make of the criticism of AJR based on a country’s disease environment?
- This question asks you to consider another potential criticism of AJR promoted by Jeffrey Sachs who stresses “geographical” explanations of economic development.
- Repeat part (e) from Question 4 but add
, andmeantemp
as additional control regressors in addition tomalaria
. Each of these variables will serve as its own instrument. Continue to instrumentrisk
. - Discuss your results. What do you make of AJR’s view vis-a-vis Sachs’s critique?
- Repeat part (e) from Question 4 but add