Running a Simulation Study - Solutions

Exercise A - (3 min)

Recall this code snippet from our earlier lecture on simulation:

dice_sum <- \() {
# Roll a pair of fair, six-sided dice and return their sum
  die1 <- sample(1:6, 1)
  die2 <- sample(1:6, 1)
  die1 + die2
sims <- map_dbl(1:10000, \(i) dice_sum())
  1. Use your new-found knowledge of purrr to explain line 7.
  2. Write a for loop to replace line 7.


The anonymous function \(i) dice_sum() has one argument: i. But this argument isn’t used in any way! Regardless of the value of i we simply call dice_sum(). This is just a sneaky way of getting map_dbl() to repeatedly call dice_sum() a total of 10000 times. It is equivalent to the following for() loop:

nreps <- 10000
sims <- rep(NA_real_, nreps)
for(i in seq_along(sims)) {
  sims[i] <- dice_sum()

Exercise B - (35 min)

  1. Write a function called get_avg_after_streak(). Given a vector shots, it should construct after_streak with \(k = 3\) and return mean(after_streak). Test your function using c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).
  2. Write a function called draw_shots() that simulates a sequence of n_shots iid Bernoulli trials, each with probability of success prob_success.
  3. Amos knows that Liz makes 1/2 of her shots on average. He watches her take 100 shots and then computes \(T =\) get_avg_after_streak(), where a streak is defined by \(k = 3\). Amos argues: “If Liz does not have a hot hand, then each shot is independent of the others with probability of success 1/2. This means the expected value of T will be 1/2.” Carry out a simulation with 10,000 replications to check Amos’ argument.
  4. Repeat the preceding over a parameter grid with n_shots \(\in \{50, 100, 200\}\) and prob_success \(\in \{0.4, 0.5, 0.6\}\). What do you conclude from your simulation?


Part 1

get_avg_after_streak <- function(shots) {
  # shots should be a vector of 0 and 1; if not STOP!
  stopifnot(all(shots %in% c(0, 1)))  
  n <- length(shots)
  after_streak <- rep(NA, n) # Empty vector of length n
  # The first 3 elements of shots by definition cannot 
  # follow a streak
  after_streak[1:3] <- FALSE 
  # Loop over the remaining elements of shots
  for(i in 4:n) {
    # Extract the 3 shots that precede shot i
    prev_three_shots <- shots[(i - 3):(i - 1)]
    # Are all three of the preceding shots equal to 1? 
    # (TRUE/FALSE)
    after_streak[i] <- all(prev_three_shots == 1)
  # shots[after_streak] extracts all elements of shots
  # for which after_streak is TRUE. Taking the mean of
  # these is the same as calculating the prop. of ones

get_avg_after_streak(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
[1] 0.5

Part 2

draw_shots <- function(n_shots, prob_success) {
  rbinom(n_shots, 1, prob_success)
mean(draw_shots(1e4, 0.5))
[1] 0.4993

Part 3

The average value of \(T\) appears to be noticeably less than 0.5:

nreps <- 1e4
sim_datasets <- map(1:nreps, \(i) draw_shots(100, 0.5))
sim_estimates <- map_dbl(sim_datasets, get_avg_after_streak)
mean_T <- mean(sim_estimates)
[1] 0.4647162

To check whether this discrepancy is statistically meaningful, we can construct a worst-case 99.7% confidence interval for \(\mathbb{E}(T)\) as follows. The standard error of a sample proportion is \(\sqrt{p(1 - p)/n}\), where \(p\) is the true proportion. But the whole problem is that we don’t know \(p\): that’s why we want a standard error in the first place! A simple calculation shows, however, that the standard error is maximized if \(p = 0.5\). Hence, \(1/(2 \times \texttt{nreps})\) is the worst case standard error. Three times this quantity is the worst-case margin of error for a 99.7% confidence interval based on the central limit theorem:

mean_T + c(-1, 1) * 3 / (2 * nreps)
[1] 0.4645662 0.4648662

This shows that we can rule out \(\mathbb{E}(T)\) with extremely high confidence based on the number of simulation replications that we used. Amos is wrong. In this simulation the shots are iid coin flips and yet we found evidence of a cold hand. In fact, this approach is biased against finding evidence of a hot hand even if it exists.

Part 4

The bias appears to shrink as the length of the sequence or the probability of success increase:

sim_params <- expand_grid(n_shots = c(50, 100, 200), 
                          prob_success = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6))

run_sim <- \(n_shots, prob_success, nreps = 1e4) {
  map(1:nreps, \(i) draw_shots(n_shots, prob_success)) |> 

sim_results <- pmap(sim_params, run_sim)

# In very short sequences there may be no streaks, leading to an NaN
# Drop these, so we effectively condition on their being at least one
# streak in the sequence 
summary_stats <- map_dbl(sim_results, mean, na.rm = TRUE) 
summary_stats <- sim_params |> 
  bind_cols(mean_T = summary_stats) |> 
  mutate(bias = mean_T - prob_success) 
summary_stats |> 
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)
n_shots prob_success mean_T bias
50 0.4 0.29 -0.11
50 0.5 0.43 -0.07
50 0.6 0.55 -0.05
100 0.4 0.33 -0.07
100 0.5 0.46 -0.04
100 0.6 0.58 -0.02
200 0.4 0.37 -0.03
200 0.5 0.48 -0.02
200 0.6 0.59 -0.01